Não se acostume com o que não o faz feliz, revolte-se quando julgar necessário. Alague seu coração de esperanças, mas não deixe que ele se afogue nelas. Se achar que precisa voltar, volte! Se perceber que precisa seguir, siga! Se estiver tudo errado, comece novamente. Se estiver tudo certo, continue. Se sentir saudades, mate-a. Se perder um amor, não se perca! Se o achar, segure-o!

Fernando Pessoa

Friday, May 16, 2014

I'm a Guest Designer for Inkido at Scrap Around the World!

Today I'm here to share I made using INKIDO to celabrate the aniversary of the blog Scrap Around the World! I also used Zarza Laser beautiful chipboards. And I'm a very lucky girl because I design for these 3 companies!!!
So, using the amazing May Mood Board again and gorgeous papers by INKIDO, here goes my project!!!

May Mood Board...

These Inkido papers are simply fantastic, and the chipboards are perfect!!!

May 2014 Sponsors

                  This month, because it is our FIRST BIRTHDAY here at Scrap Around The World,

we have TEN EPIC PRIZES ON OFFER - all of equal value!  Check out our blog
for further details about our Competition Rules & this month's uber generous sponsors!!

Inkido {Papercrafts Scandinavia} are sponsoring this wonderful prize pack!

2Crafty Chipboard are sponsoring $100 worth of awesome chipboard!
{image is merely a sample of their offerings}

7Dots Studio has sponsored this amazing prize!

Scrap 365  Magazine are offering up these fantastic DVD sets!

Darkroom Door has sponsored this phenomenal prize!

Scraps of Elegance brings this mind-blowing set of goodies to the table!

Um WOW Studio has sponsored this TRENDY selection
of uber-modern chippies, bling & FLAIRS ♥♥♥

Lindy's Stamp Gang has contributed a very generous voucher!

Shirel Studio has been kind enough to sponsor BOTH 
Pop & Colours Online Courses to one of our talented winners!

The Flying Unicorn Online Store has sponsored this
exciting prize!!!  YOUR selection of the latest goodies!!

And last but not least our very own past DT {inaugural member}
Eila Sandberg, has donated an super lovely RANDOM prize!
{for one lucky TOTALLY RANDOM entrant!}

Oh my oh my!!  
These prizes are all AMAAAAZING!!!
Don't forget to check in to the Scrap Around The World blog HERE
to read more about this month's EPIC ANNIVERSARY EVENT sponsors
& keep checking in ALL MONTH as we also have SEVEN GUEST TEAMS
celebrating with us too!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SATW!

I hope you like it!
Thanks for visiting me, and we are waiting for you at Scrap Around the World!
A great day for you all...


  1. Bah...vou lá...obrigada por indicar o ' caminho ' das pedras preciosas '!

    1. Você viu, Marlei! É muita coisa linda de prêmio! beijos... espero você lá!


Olá! Sejam todos muito bem vindos no meu cantinho. Fico sempre muito feliz com as palavras carinhosas de vocês! Muito obrigada... e muita paz no coração!